The directors of TAC Accounting Tanya van Wyk CA(SA) and Christelle du Plessis (SAIPA) are accredited members of South Africa Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) and Registered Tax Practitioners.
Our aim is to provide you with the best service and advice in a cost-effective manner whilst adding value to your business. We take care of all of your accounting and tax needs so you don’t have to, leaving you free to focus on the growth of your business. Whether you need help starting a business or just filing tax returns, we are here for you.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be recognised and known as the accounting firm of choice for providing trusted, effective and value-adding accounting and tax services to individuals and businesses.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide outstanding accounting and tax services by building a growing and ongoing relationship with our clients while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and professionalism and to meet our clients’ current and future needs by providing innovative and practical accounting and tax solutions in order for them to achieve long-term business success.
Foundational Principles
All our services are underpinned by the foundational principles of:
- Treat our clients like family, and with honesty, dignity, and respect
- Serve our clients with compassion and care
- Flexible to personal and business needs and adaptable to an ever-changing industry
- Practice pro-active and open communication with our clients
- Provide quality work and service which embodies our fundamental accounting principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence, thoroughness, confidentiality, and professional behaviour
- Use modern and safe cloud-based accounting systems based on the highest standards

Tanya van Wyk is a Chartered Accountant and has had a passion for accounting from the first day she opened her accounting books in Grade 9.
She completed her studies part-time at the University of South Africa whilst completing her articles at a medium-sized audit firm. She was promoted to manager and completed her Auditing Development Program. After she qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Registered Auditor she opened her first practice in 2018. Since then life took interesting turns and now her office is situated in Sweden.
Tanya loves spending time with her husband and two kids and traveling.

Christelle du Plessis is a Professional Accountant (SAIPA) and has a passion for helping small business owners and individuals manage and grow their financial well-being.
After completing her studies at the University of Pretoria and earning a bachelor’s degree in Financial Sciences, she joined a medium-sized accounting firm based in Lynnwood, Pretoria. Here she completed her articles and gained a wide variety of accounting, auditing, and tax experience. Upon completing her articles and obtaining her SAIPA membership, she moved into a management position where she gained valuable experience in leadership.
Christelle and Tanya worked together for 3 years before starting their own accounting firm. The rest is history.
Christelle enjoys the outdoors and spending quality time with her husband.